Congratulations to Michelle Fagan, Maine’s 2024 Librarian of the Year!

If you haven’t already seen the news, yesterday Michelle Dyer-Fagan was named the Maine Library Association’s 2024 Librarian of the Year! If you’re reading this, chances are you know Michelle and how wonderful she is!  She works tirelessly as the Youth Services Librarian at the library and is part of so many other wonderful things going on in Dover-Foxcroft. In the broader library world, she also serves as the Chair of the Maine Library Advisory Council.

She is known throughout the state for her work and this recognition comes as no surprise to anyone who knows her!

Congratulations, Michelle, you’ve earned it! We’re all very proud to work with you and we know all of our patrons are extremely grateful for all you have done for our town, region, and state during the last 17 years!